Eating Vegan While Busy: How Busy People Start Eating Vegan

Busy people in modern society are concerned about how to start eating vegan in order to be healthier while maintaining their busy lifestyle. Busy people want to eat well and lessen their environmental impact. Threats of global warming and obesity are two of the biggest concerns. Some people who are busy still decide to tackle […]

Avocado Tomato Hummus

It’s so frustrating to see your avocados ripen and spoil before turning them into a delectable and quick dish. I bought a bag on sale recently determined not to let that happen. This avocado dish is fast and fresh.  With only 51 calories per serving, you can enjoy with flax crackers or a gluten free […]

Could it Be Food Sensitivity?

Do you ever feel like a brick hit your stomach after your last meal? If so, you might have a food sensitivity. How to Tell If You Have a Food Sensitivity It might seem simple but getting food from your mouth through your digestive system is a complicated process. You eat, you absorb, you eliminate. […]

Simple Dinner Salad

Sometimes you just need something fast, simple and filling for dinner. I work from home and can’t always stop and prepare a meal that takes a lot of time. Tonight was one of those nights. wanted something green but all I have was one package of pre-cut salad greens. This was the type of cabbage and carrot strips already in the mix. It had simple ice-berg lettuce.

skillet greens and chickpeas

Greens & Chickpeas Over Quinoa

One meal I love making are Southern style greens. Tonight I needed an extra boost of vegan protein so I added chickpeas and served over quinoa. Here’s the dish in one of my favorite cast iron skillets. I’m sharing the recipe which is one of my favorite vegan soul food dishes that’s low or no fat, low calories, but high in vegan protein.