Raw Vegan and Busy

I asked a group of professionals what would interest them the most about a site aimed at raw/vegan eating?  Was it knowing more about raw food, vegan food and something else?  All of them were successful, busy people herb-mixresizedand most had tried being vegan at least once.  Many were worried that eating vegan and raw was just too time consuming.  But they all wanted to add more whole, fresh foods to their life but they needed fast food too.

I asked about raw food, vegan food and what they wanted to know.  It was unanimous, they all wanted to know fast ways to prepare vegan and raw meals, not just for themselves but for the family.   When you eat this way everyday it’s easy to forget how different it is from years of “regular” meals when you prepare a meat, starch and veggie (with very little on the veggie).

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while but never got it going.  Don’t know why not?  I certainly love the idea and I’m always working on developing faster, fresher meals without animal based ingredients.  So here is the the birth of raw vegan for busy people.

I started tonight by taking pictures of my dinner, a sauteed greens with chickpea delight on top of quinoa.  Getting high protein along with eating to lose weight is my current focus.  Vegan and raw meals are naturally good for that but there are still very dense calorie foods out there, like the raw chocolate fudge brownies I made last night.  They’re already all gone before I thought about taking a picture for this blog post.   Doesn’t matter, there’s no doubt I’ll be making them again –  and soon.  Talk about delicious!

In fact, if you have to start one way, raw desserts, salads and smoothies are you best bet.  These are all very fast to put together, using a few ingredients and not a lot of effort.   We have to start somewhere.  I’m glad you made it here.

So what is it you’d really like to know about raw, vegan eating for busy people who want to eat healthy but just don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen?  Let me know.



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